Thursday, April 1, 2010

This map is from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website which shows the percentage of obesity of US adults that have a BMI > 30 in 2008. This map is interesting to me because I am very interested in health, nutrition and disease prevention. By having these maps in hand, it is a good way to see what states need more help in wight control and which individuals are more prone to obesity related diseases such as type II diabetes.

This map is located in the department of California Public health website. This map shows the reported number of cases of H1N1 (swine flu) throughout California. The blue shaded areas represent the areas which at least one case has been reported from that given area. Each blue shaded area contains the number of reported cases. This map is interesting to me because living in California, its good to know where exactly the cases of H1N1 have occurred. By looking at this map I can see that LA has had many hits but not as much as other places in California. I like to keep updated in these areas relating to diseases.

I found this map in the California Vineyards website. This map shows the locations of Wineries across California. The purple dots are the exact locations of each winery. According to the maps most of the wineries in California are located in the Northern region. I am interested in this map because I am from the Napa Valley and I wanted to know why Napa is the main attraction to Wine tasting even though other wineries are located away from this region. By looking at the map I can see that Napa is surrounded by more wineries then any other region in California. this means that one will have the opportunity to taste more wine from different locations without having to drive too long to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. There is definitely lots of data dealing with health issues that can be mapped out for further analysis.

